Reclaim Your Self-Worth & Start Living Authentically

Think about the beautiful day when you finally put doubts about self-worth and other limiting beliefs behind you, Unshackle Your Brilliance™ and become all you are meant to be.

It’s a glorious day in your life, and is certainly something to celebrate.

Woman Jumping In Joy

What's more, that day of freedom is close because you can get started letting go of self-worth woes, and unshackling your brilliance, right away. All you have to do is click the button below to book a free...

On this 60 minute (no obligation) call we'll start to delve into what is holding you back and give you solutions to begin supercharging your self-worth.

That's exactly what 'D' did (name redacted out of respect for his privacy), and he quickly got phenomenal results.

Fear of Flying...

‘D’ is a sports coach who had a debilitating fear of flying and asked me for help. “Flying terrifies me.” he said. “For days before I am due to fly I simply cannot function. It is a big problem for me and my clients.”

He told me he even went into a funk when he had to purchase the plane tickets and his fear was having a detrimental effect upon his business and personal life.

We got on a Zoom call and it was beautiful to see the change come over him after only half an hour of talking. I was asking him some deeply penetrating hypnotic questions that went straight into his unconscious where all his limiting beliefs were stored.


Suddenly he just stopped, and looked at me in a bemused way. After a few more moments he broke out into an ‘inane’ grin and said in astonishment: “I don’t know what just happened but I’m not scared of flying anymore. I don’t even know why I was scared in the first place.”

After a few more moments, he added: “I want to go and book a plane ticket to London right now, I love London but used to be too scared to fly there. Not any more!”

Remarkable Transformation

‘D’ enjoyed a remarkable transformation which just goes to show the benefits of working with the correct coach for you.

Another powerful example of the impressive results that can be obtained when you let go of your self-worth doubts is illustrated below.

From Crying in a Foetal Position to Confident and Respected

Mary (name redacted out of respect for her privacy) is a DJ who sought my help to quash her doubts about her worthiness.

Mary had recently moved from her position as the evening DJ of a music show in a local radio station to become the prime morning news anchor at a major radio station in a large city.

It was a big promotion for her.

However, after only a few days in her new role she was finding the transition extremely difficult despite her evident skills. Being a prime time news anchor in peak morning hours was very different from hosting a late evening music show.

"I'm useless and cannot go on..."

During our first call she was curled up, in a foetal position on her bed, crying miserably.

Full blown Imposter Syndrome had kicked in and this was triggereing all her built up limiting beliefs. Torrents of self doubt were pouring from her and she was on the verge of giving up completely.

She really was in a bad way.

Using some conversational hypnosis and other advanced coaching methodologies I helped her get to the root of her fears. Gradually we started replacing some long-held (and well perfected) limiting beliefs with an understanding of her true abilities.

The crying soon stopped as she began regaining control of her thoughts. Gradually she sat upright and the beginnings of a tentative smile spread across her lips.

Life Transformed

We worked together for several sessions and Mary soon transformed from being gripped by self doubt and feelings of unworthiness to becoming confident and respected in her own right.

Her adeptness at being a prime time news reader was a byproduct of the new person she became as I helped her let go of her self-worth issues & unshackle her brilliance.

Now, if you'd like to enjoy such stellar results Why not book your free 'Supercharge Your Self-Worth' coaching call right now?

Click the button below, it's asolutely free.

Your Life Fulfilment


Both Mary and ‘D’ made remarkable transformations in their beliefs and thus, life satisfaction. I’ve helped countless others do the same.

What's more, I'm committed to helping you shed whatever limiting beliefs are holding you back so that you can become all you are meant to be and find true fulfilment at last.

So please keep reading to see how you can get started right this very minute…

The first thing to do is understand that your limiting beliefs and any doubts about self worth are not your fault.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Many people feel that their lack of self worth means something is wrong with them and it is their fault for feeling this way, it makes them feel guilty or inferior.


This is about as far from the truth as can be.

You see, and this is important


It is crucial to realise that your limiting beliefs and any doubts about self worth are not your fault.

You are in no way to blame!

As you’ve travelled on your life journey, things have happened and you developed thoughts and other mechanisms to keep you safe.

These beliefs have been ‘implanted’ in your unconscious as real, and you have been practicing and perfecting them for a long time.

Now, though, they have outlived their usefulness and do more harm than good so it is time to let them go and replace them with beliefs that serve you.

To help you do so I highly recommend you form the habit of keeping a Success Diary...

This is simple pocket sized note book that you always carry around with you so you can record all your successes (no matter how small), at anytime. You can refer to it whenever you want and see at a glance, how successful you are.

Start with all the things you succeeded at as a child, like learning to walk. That was a major milestone in your life and is worth remembering & celebrating.

This is a great start and is very beneficial. However, it can sometimes be a little difficult to dig out some of the more deeply entrenched, patterns that hold you back, on your own.

Heck, you may not even realise they are there...

That's why I'm here to help you, and why I recommend you book your:

Right now, so you can get started with...

Removing Your Limiting Beliefs

My goal is to help you identify and replace all limiting beliefs as you unshackle your brilliance and metamorphose into all that you can be.

Then you will start to enjoy living a truly fulfilled life.

And using my proprietary S.A.F.E. Coaching™ system (please keep reading to discover more about this) that’s exactly what we’ll do.

First though, would it be ok if I told you a little more about myself & my journey?

About Stuart

Hi there, my name is Stuart Elliott (aka 'The Soul Whisperer') and mid-life professionals hire me to help them break out of self worth jail because they are sick & tired of undervaluing themselves, feel stuck and are not making the impact they want.

So I guide them to let go of long held, limiting beliefs and supercharge their feelings of self-worth, which means doubt is no longer an issue because they know who they are and who they can be.

Bottom line, as we work together, you will...

Start to fully love yourself, soar in confidence and begin living a life that naturally aligns with your perfect life – guaranteed.

Deep Understanding of Mindset

I’ve lived for extended periods of time on three vastly different continents and have developed a deep understanding of people and mindset.

I’ve had my own battles with self worth and Imposter Syndrome but have soundly triumphed and learned a lot about how the mind works in the process. In addition…

Life or death experiences in the wilds of Africa have shown me, firsthand, the astounding potential that exists inside each and every one of us.

It truly is amazing what you can do if you know how and are not limited in your beliefs.

And my mission is to guide you to loosen the debilitating grip of long-held negative beliefs and assumptions that have kept you trapped for years (or even decades).

In the process, you will discover all the beautiful & empowering qualities you’ve been hiding from yourself.

On our calls, you'll feel as if I’m talking directly with your soul as we unearth all your blocks and discover your dreams. (In fact, it's this ability to help people hear what their soul has been trying to tell them for so long that has caused many to affectionately call me 'The Soul Whisperer' and gives me the edge on their challlenges.)

Let's get on a free 'Supercharge Your Self-Worth call and you'll enjoy getting started connecting you to all the power that lies dormant insde you.

Click the button below now to reserve your time:

When we talk you'll...

Recalibrate How You Perceive Yourself

As you get started with your transformation, you will recalibrate how you perceive yourself & your life. You'll quickly start to embrace your true worth, exude self-confidence and finally begin living your true potential.

Some clients tell me the powerful changes they experience make them feel as though they are reborn

And that’s a beautiful thing.

Now let's take a look at the S.A.F.E. Coaching™ model and see why it goes beyond regular life coaching protocols...

Francois Lupien Headshot

“Stuart’s knowledge & experience reflect the astute comments and direction only a true professional can give.

He really is an intuitive guide & certified change agent… His patience & deep desire to assist you in discovering what is missing elevates him to the level of a master teacher.“

Francois Lupien

S.A.F.E. Coaching™

The S.A.F.E. Coaching™ protocol is a Simple, Accurate, Fast and Effective protocol that will assist you in ridding yourself of unconscious blocks & help you set free the incredible potential you have within.

  • S = Simple - Our coaching calls are a series of inspiring conversations
  • A = Accurate - During our conversations your unconscious mind sends me messages which help to pinpoint the blocks you experience
  • F = Fast - We are working at the unconscious level using powerful tools such as Conversational Hypnosis so there is no need to beat around the bush trying to unearth the problem and, reassuringly, no need to regurgitate the problem either
  • E = Effective - The unconscious knows what the problem is and has created 'fortress' walls around it to protect it. This happened without your conscious knowlege, yet with the correct guidance you can release the problem in a safe manner and replace it with much more beneficial thoughts

S.A.F.E. Coaching™ will help you enjoy significant, & lasting, personal life-transformation in the shortest possible timeframes and...

Become the best version of you, you can.

That's because you are taking advantage of the...

Astonishing Power of Conversational Hypnosis & Life Coaching Combined

By leveraging the power of Conversational Hypnosis, whilst adding in relevant aspects of NLP, Positive Psychology & Mindfulness we are able to amplify the potency of regular life coaching.

Which means you get better results, faster.


The hypnosis aspect is safe and, especially important here.

You see, the unconscious mind (unknown to yourself) has been busy perfecting the problems for many years. It does not want anyone, especially yourself, to undo it's work so it builds a fortress wall around the problem.

During our coaching conversations I ask you highly focussed, hypnotic questions which are specific to your particular challenges. These questions will produce unconscious moments which are the doorways through the fortress wall and allow me to guide you through them.

This allows you to 'go inside', remove the self-doubt and replace it with inner confidence and understandings. These are the breakthrough moments that I illustrated earlier through examples from two of my clients. 'D' suddenly discovering he wasn't scared of flying anymore, and Mary unshackling her brilliance as a person and DJ.

It is incredibly rewarding for me to be able to help you in this way and very liberating for you.

Doubts about your worthiness will no longer exist and you will be free to be happy and fulfilled.

Marcie Buxton - Headshot

Peer Feedback - Marcie Buxton

“Stuart has a knack of being able to peel back the layers to clear the fogginess and reveal a firm and definite clarity.”

Your Next Steps

It's time for you to make the decision to continue with the same doubts as before or work with me and rid yourself of self-worth woes.

I've explained how the S.A.F.E. Coaching™ system works and shown the stellar results two of my clients achieved. However it is much easier to show you how effective my coaching is, live on a call, than explain it on a web page.

That's why I am offering you a free, 60 minute, laser focused coaching session - the 'Supercharge Your Self Worth' - call. It's your opportuinty to get fast results and put me to the test.

You can choose to stay the same with all the ramifications that has or sign up for you free call right now by clicking the button below.

If you want to live a fresh, new life, freed from doubts about your worth, with confidence oozing from every pore, you'll click the button below right now and reserve your call.

It will be well worth the investment of time you make.

NB: The time slots are strictly limited. I'd hate you to come back and find them all taken so please take action right away to avoid disappointment.

What People Say


“You are my dear mentor, you encourage me to find my own way to live and help me to build up my independent character…

My dream, my courage, my visioning skills were established step by step…

You changed a lady’s life.

You are such a brilliant, kind, generous person.“

Eddie Sand

“Stuart, what he does, he makes sure that you as a person, you have happiness and joy… and he does it in a way that he finds out who you are, your inner self, and picks what needs to get done for you to transform your mindset.

He does it in a way that’s just talking… He is an amazing listener… He got inside of me, took out what I needed to hear and fed it back to me very clear and the lightbulb went off…”

Frances Beatty

“I was at a crossroads, unsure about the direction I should take and it was with some trepidation that I booked Stuart for some personal coaching.

I needn’t have worried – right from the outset, Stuart put me at ease with his open and supportive style of personal coaching.

He quickly gave me the confidence needed…"

Click Below To Book Your Free Call & Start Transforming Your Life Right Away

NB: The time slots are strictly limited. I'd hate you to come back and find them all taken so please take action right away to avoid disappointment.